About me

In the last 8 years, my journey has been a rollercoaster of passion, self-discovery, and relentless pursuit of new skills and experiences. Every step of the way, I have immersed myself in a world of boundless creativity, pouring my heart and soul into various endeavors that have truly shaped and defined me.

From the exhilarating rush of pushing my body to its limits in calisthenics, to the meditative bliss of molding clay into exquisite pottery pieces, I have awakened a symphony of emotions within me. Each stroke of the brush, each chisel’s caress on wood, and each line drawn on paper has been a profound expression of my deepest desires and aspirations.

But my transformative journey did not stop there. It led me down an enchanting path into the captivating realm of architecture. Within four years of intense study and tireless dedication, I discovered the power of architecture to evoke emotions, to tell stories, and to breathe life into spaces.

It was in the realm of architecture where I found solace and understanding of my lifelong struggle to complete my projects. In this world, I uncovered the beauty of intricate details and the significance of meticulous design. Every tiny facet, every subtle nuance, and every carefully crafted element held within it a piece of my soul, all contributing to the grand tapestry of my creations.

Now, as I stand at the crossroads of my multifaceted journey, my heart swells with fulfillment and a deep sense of accomplishment. I have learned that true artistic expression lies not just in the final result, but in the emotions stirred along the way. It is the amalgamation of passion, skill, and unwavering dedication that fuels my creative fire, propelling me to reach new heights of emotive storytelling and tangible beauty.

Woodworking has been my passion since 2017, but it was in October 2019 when I discovered my love for creating jewelry. From that moment on, I couldn’t resist the urge to design and craft new sets of earrings and necklaces whenever I had a spare moment. The process of working with wood is truly captivating. It’s as if I’m able to connect with the natural patterns and details of the grain, bringing them to life in my creations. Crafting has become an integral part of my journey, filling my life with art and pockets full of sawdust.

Join me in this extraordinary expedition through the realms of art and creation, as we embark on a compelling journey weaving dreams into reality, one masterpiece at a time. Together, let us celebrate the undeniable power of emotions that fuels our artistic souls and connects us in ways words cannot express

 I’m a free soul on an eternal journey.

My vision

I love to create personalized art, that also has practical value. Instead of heating the air with wood, I like to carve it. To craft art that last decades. I see it as giving a piece of wood a new meaning, a purpose, a soul. When I apply the last coat of oil, it seems like the art is brought to life. Handmade objects are special because every piece is unique. Even copies are never identical. Wood never repeats itself, which makes it even more rare. 

I’d love to create something for everybody, to share my love through wood and art.